“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.”
Our ministry seeks to come alongside churches and families to help equip them with a biblical view, biblical passion, and biblical resources for family ministry and family worship. Our hope is to see churches equipping families in such a way that the Gospel is brought into the home. Our goal is to create and provide family devotions, articles of encouragement, family workshops and conferences, church curriculum, small group Bible studies, and resources that enable spiritual leaders in the home to lead their families in worship.
Dr. Jonathan Williams is a pastor, author, speaker, and an adjunct professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, also serving as the Managing Editor of the Southwestern D6 Family Ministry Journal. Williams received a Master’s of Divinity and his PhD in Family Ministry & Biblical Counseling from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of two books, Gospel Family, a resource to help families prioritize Family Worship and discipleship in the home with practical help, and his latest book, A Practical Theology of Family Worship, which provides the biblical foundation for the practice of Family Worship.
We are a kingdom-minded ministry and we know that healthy families, lead to healthy churches, and healthy churches pursue the glory of God in all things. This is why it’s our desire to come alongside churches and to help teach families and households how God’s plan of discipleship begins in the home through the venue of Family Worship. We have served churches of different sizes for over 10 years around the United States in a number of different ways. Whether you desire an entire weekend conference, a one-day workshop session, or an initial conversation of how our ministry can help your church.
As a ministry, our desire is to help churches build healthy families. We want to equip pastors and church leaders with the resources that they need to teach the members of their church the importance and value of parents teaching their children the Scriptures on raising them in the fear of the Lord. These resources are meant to be helpful tools that the church can use to equip parents and families for this endeavor.
As a ministry, we want to help families in their endeavor to pursuing to love the Lord with all their heart. It’s for this reason that we produce resources to help your families worship the Lord in your home as commanded by the Scriptures. These resources are freely given to teach and help parents how to teach their children God’s Word.
“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”
It’s through the support of generous supporters that we are able to provide family devotions, articles, books, worship albums, workshops, conferences, and other resources to help equip churches and families for family worship.
These Bible verses are meant to provide a starting point for your Family Worship this Advent. Whether you open the Word of God together in the morning, the afternoon, or the evening, we pray that you and your family will enjoy times of Family Worship together this year that finds you reading Scripture in your home.